Thursday, September 19, 2013

IAH Contact/No Contact

Contact : This one has contact to me because it is showing more intense emotion. You would look at this image and go "whats wrong?" or thats so sad. It displays a lot of energy. it zeros you in and makes you begin to question whats going on.
No contact: This one has no contact because he has a blank stare. There is nothing going on in this picture. It doesn't really draw you in. Not a lot of energy going in this picture. And also it doesnt cause you to question "whats going on" in this picture.

Second image from metro magazine. and first from wordpress.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

IAH Breanna Garvin

The definition of a portrait in my own eyes is anything that represents a person. It can include certain things such as the person and objects that represents what they are or what they enjoy doing. (Portraiture 25). Also, anything that captures the gist of a person's personality is a portait in my eyes. This could include a painting of them, a photograph, etc. A portrait is also  anything that "engages the identity of the sitter represented" (Portraiture 29). Even the way you position the person being represented can tell the viewer something about their personality or status.